Saturday, February 28, 2015

Down Time

I missed yesterdays blog update, because I didn't really have anything to update.

My Tarot studies have been going well, another of my friends got a deck and he has been practicing almost non-stop with them.

I have been going to a Meditation group on campus, and found out that a few people in that read Tarot as well, so we're going to compare decks after next week's meeting.

Other than that, this week was kind of slow for me spiritually. I always struggle with periods between Sabbats, because there's a kind of lull.

I was racking my brain trying to think of something to write about. I thought about doing a Broke College Kid's Paganism and talk about how I worship on a budget, and I still might do that, but it just didn't feel like a good time for me to do that.

But then I realized that its okay to have non-Pagan-y weeks. People don't have to meditate every day or practice witchcraft everyday in order to feel 'connected.' I think its important to have off-weeks too.

I spent this week doing a lot of Tarot, and that's the only real Pagan-y thing I did. I hung out with friends, I worked as an usher at my school's musical this week. I saw my family today.

It's okay to have down-time. There are no rules about how often you have to practice your faith. I think that's what I like best about Paganism, and I forget that a lot.

Hopefully I'll have more exciting news on Monday!

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