Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Full Moon Cleanse

Last night was the Full Moon! I celebrate by cleansing my crystals, cards, and whatever else I feel needs it.

Ready for cleansing!

My cleansing ritual is usually pretty short. I start by lighting some incense, last night I used Frankincense, and I walk around the space to cleanse it. Then I place it in its holder, which is usually in a small box to catch the ashes. I put the ashes in my jar that represents fire on my altar.

To cleanse the crystals, I run each one through the smoke and concentrate on cleansing it of negative energy.

The Tarot cards get a bit more. I separate the cards into each suit and the major arcana, and I order them from lowest to highest. This leaves five piles. Then I run each pile through the incense smoke and focus on cleansing it to help guide my readings in the future.

I also cleansed my Tibetan singing bowl, just because I haven't done it before, and I felt that it needed it. I held the bowl above the incense upside down to catch the smoke in it, and again focused on ridding it of negativity.

Ready to catch some rays!

After cleansing, I move everything over to my window sill to soak in the Full Moon and charge it with good intentions.

I thank the God and Goddess for aiding me in my work, and that's it!

The red liquid in the spray bottles is rose water, which I will be doing a post on in the future.

I hope you had a good Full Moon! Blessed Esbat!

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