Monday, February 23, 2015

Practice, Practice

Last semester, one of my friends came out to me as a witch. It was one of the most heartening experiences so far on my path, because it made me see that there are others out there. It can be easy to find people online, but because there is that disconnect between us, it can still seem like no one out there practices with us. So meeting someone in real life who is also a witch can be great, especially because days like today can happen.

My friend asked me to meet up with her and do some Tarot readings. I have fallen way behind on the Spread a Day 2 challenge on Tumblr, so I jumped at the opportunity to catch up.

We met at the student center on campus, which was another first for me. I try to keep kind of quiet about the witchcraft aspect of my faith, because I know that's the part with the most stigma. Setting up our table with all of our cards and spread cloths made me nervous at first,especially with so many people I knew around, but it very quickly felt natural.

We were joined by my other dear friend, as well as a couple others that we knew. This was very helpful because we could read for them instead of just swapping back and forth.

It was probably the most fun I have had in a while! It felt good to hang out with people and do what I love without feeling like I had to hide it.

And what was probably the best part of the whole thing was the respect we were given. I was expecting a few people to come up and be nosy and pry and look down on us. I was pleasantly surprised. We sat there for almost an hour and a half, and no one harassed us.

I feel blessed to be in a community where that is possible. I have read stories about people reading Tarot in public and having that one snotty person come up and tell them about how they're working with the Devil or something. So being able to practice, and not have to feel ashamed, was extremely liberating.

For the first time in my months of practice with Tarot, I actually felt like a Diviner. And it was amazing!

We are meeting again to do the same on Wednesday, and even better, two of my friends will be joining us after seeing the work we did today. I may even start a Tarot group for us to gather weekly and practice.

I encourage others to do the same, you may be surprised at how great it is!

Me taking notes for my Tarot journal

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