Friday, February 13, 2015

DIY Rose Water for Self-Love

So Valentine's Day is tomorrow! I love Valentine's Day, and I use it to celebrate romantic love, as well as friendship and familial love.

I recently came out as a witch to several of my friends, and decided to take this opportunity to give them a witchy Valentine's gift in the form of a Rose Water spray. I did this a few weeks ago, and gave it to them early, but they appreciated it nonetheless.

I used four roses, one for each person I was making the Rose Water for, and ended up with way too much. I would recommend using two roses instead.

Distilled Water
Strainer (I used a small colander)
Spray Bottles (I found mine in the travel cosmetics section at Walmart for less than a dollar)
Gold Sharpie
A Small Pot

First, I lit my God and Goddess candles and asked them to bless the roses with self- love and confidence. Then I plucked the petals from a rose, and placed them in my mini-colander.

After putting them in the colander, I rinsed them under cold water to get rid of any potential dirt or pesticides.

Then I put the petals into the small pot and added distilled water until the petals were just about submerged.

After that, I turned the stove on to simmer, and covered the pot. You should eventually see condensation form on the lid.

I let this sit for about fifteen minutes, occasionally stirring, until the rose petals lost their color.

I let it cool, and then poured it into a Ball jar, which then went into the refrigerator. I also poured a little into my offering bowl on my altar to thank the God and Goddess for their help.

While it sat in the fridge, I added a sigil in gold sharpie to the mini-spray bottles that would soon house the Rose Water. After a bit, I carefully poured the rosewater into these bottles.

The sigil means "I am important and loved" and it is from byewitchedkid on Tumblr, so all credit for the sigil goes to them.

Once I poured the Rose Water into the bottles, I focused  my intent again on self-love and confidence. I then put them under the light of the full moon, next to some rose quartz to charge.

So far, I really like it. Each morning I spray some on before I get dressed, and it helps give me a boost for the day.

I hope this DIY comes in handy! Do you have any Valentine's Day plans? I'd love to hear about them!


  1. I am reading your article it awesome I am searching best Rose Water Spray ​at the best price or 100% natural

  2. Nice content very infomative for everyone
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