Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Into the Woods

For the past week or so, I have felt a little out of it. I have a case of mild depression, and while usually I'm fine, every now and then it will flare up and be annoying for a bit until I get back to my usual positive self.

In conjunction with this bout of sadness, I have felt the urge to go outdoors. The air inside has felt suffocating, and heavy on my skin. I knew that I needed to get back outside.

So today, I took a trip out to one of my favorite spots, New Germany State Park.

New Germany is this beautiful secluded place, but today it felt cold and drab. I didn't feel the same connection I usually felt. My toes were freezing, my hands were firmly tucked in my jacket pockets, and I was staring at the ground trying not to slip on the firmly packed snow.

I trudged along, enjoying the fresh air as a means to ignore the cold, when suddenly I realized that all of this 'bad' stuff was just as much nature as anything else.

Nature isn't just the sunshine, its the cloudy days. Its the soft grass, and the mud caked on your boots. Nature is the sun on your face as well as the rain tangled in your hair.

And all of that is just as beautiful as anything else.

I found that the chill in my fingers was my connection to the God and Goddess just as much as a warm breeze on my back. I didn't have to feel this pleasant fuzzy feeling to know that I am still connected to it all. And I should still appreciate that, even if its not all rainbows and sunshine.

And despite the cold and slush, it is still beautiful:

The Wheel of the Year turns, and life goes on. The Earth has bad days just like the rest of us.

Somehow, it makes me feel better.

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