Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Witchery to Help Study

I am terrible about studying. I really don't study, but somehow I always get really good grades.On top of my lack of studying, I have really terrible senioritis. I don't usually worry about it, until I have an exam, and then there's this mad dash to try and absorb as much information as possible for the test. Yesterday was no exception: I had my first human resources exam.

I needed to study, and to help me stay focused I decided to come up with something quick I could perform before studying. This is what I did:

Tea (Or beverage of choice, I used Holy Temple Chai)
Green fluorite
Red jasper

You can substitute whatever stones you feel would work best for you, I chose green fluorite because its good for helping students, and red jasper because it helps me feel focused.

First, I made my tea:

Then I sat in front of my altar, and placed my tea on it. I lit my God/dess candles. I rang my Tibetan singing bowl, and focused on clearing my mind and concentrating on what I needed to do.

After ringing my singing bowl for a bit, I returned it to the altar. I placed some tea in the offering bowl (which you can see between the candles) and I asked for help in focusing on my studies. Then I moved the tea to the center of the altar and held the red jasper and fluorite above it while charging the tea with my intent to focus on studying.

Once I felt like it was sufficiently charged, I took a sip of the tea and said thanks. Then I moved the tea and crystals over to my deck, set a timer for 30 minutes, and studied. Whenever I began to feel flustered about not finding my information, or distracted, I would drink my tea to re-focus.

And that's it! It worked pretty well, usually I can't focus on anything business related for more than five minutes, so going for half an hour was an accomplishment for me.

What do you do to help stay focused?

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