Saturday, March 7, 2015

Wheel of the Year

Way back in November, I went to a Paint- Your- Own Pottery Studio for Small Business Saturday (the small business version of Black Friday) and they were giving each customer a free ornament. Since I went with my boyfriend, we got two of them, and he gave me his.

I took mine home to design later, instead of painting in the studio. I knew I wanted to decorate it for my altar, but I wasn't sure with what until a few days again. I decided to put the Wheel of the Year (or the Sabbats) on it, so I can turn it as the wheel turns, sort of like my own way of cycling through the seasons.

First, I traced out what I wanted with pencil. I used a spaghetti jar lid to get the circle on it, because I am atrocious at drawing, especially when I have to make a perfect shape, like a circle.

I used a ruler to create eight sections, one for each Sabbat. Then I decorated each segment with things that remind me of that holiday, such as a May Pole for Beltane, and skulls for Samhain. Once it was traced, I outlined it with Sharpie:

And then colored it with colored pencils:

I'm very happy with how it turned out, and it looks better than I expected it to. Right now its sitting on my altar, with Imbolc/Ostara facing up.

I also created a very early Ostara altar, but I'll do a post on that once we get closer to the Spring Equinox.

So that's my "Wheel of the Year"! I still have another one of the ceramic ornaments, and I was thinking about doing a God and Goddess theme on it, maybe with a Moon and Sun or Moon with Antlers or something.

Do you have any suggestions for what I should put on the second one?

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