Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Ostara!

I had a very snowy Ostara here on the East Coast, in fact, the ritual I was going to attend was cancelled because of the snow, unfortunately. I didn't let that deter me though, and I still had a good day!

Made with Shasta Daisy Seeds

My plantable paper turned out a bit more crumbly than I had intended, so I will probably put it in a bag and give to my friends, and try again with another batch to put around campus.

I also made "Honey Fry Bread," from a recipe found on Tumblr and for some reason it won't let me post the link to the recipe. I am sure you can find it online though.

I listened to The Chieftains while I cooked, which made it even better.

When I get back to my apartment I will celebrate some more with some Tarot readings and other fun stuff with friends.

I hope you had a great Ostara!

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