Monday, March 9, 2015

Exploring my University

The university that I go to has an arboretum on campus, that I have loved ever since I began college. I went on a walk through there with several of my friends, and discussed the possibility of practicing rituals back there and everyone seemed to be on board with it! I'd love to celebrate Ostara there and do a ritual/ get together, but we are on Spring Break at that time. I might do it when we get back.

Anyways, I took some pictures of it today, and thought I'd share this beautiful place with you!

There is a creek that runs through it, which is probably my favorite part. There's just something about a small stream running through a forest that I just love. I often use this creek to help cleanse crystals.

The entrance to the arboretum has a kind of field, in which they have placed these benches. This is one of the places that I have considered doing a ritual at. I forgot to get a picture of the other place, but it has a circle of trees around it, and I know that other witches have blessed it before.

It's very bare right now, but I look forward to seeing all of the leaves and things come back in the Spring!

The above pictures are of this very strange circle that a friend showed me. She believes it was created by other witches, because the stones in the center are arranged in a spiral with a larger stone in the middle. I don't know who created it, but its a very neat spot. The hut is made out of the sticks that create the circle, and there is a log that juts out of the center of it.

There's a lot more to it, those are just the parts that I walked through today. I also stopped by the library, and picked up Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America by J. Gordon Melton, Witchcraze: A New History of the European Witch Hunts by Anne Llewellyn Barstow, and Neil Gaiman's The Sandman Preludes and Nocturnes since I read the Sandman series when I was younger and loved it.

I think that university resources can be great, and if you are in college, I encourage you to see what you can find on campus!

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