Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Plantable Seed Paper/ Ostara Plans

Ostara is Friday, but since I will be out of town for most of that day, I decided to start early by making plantable seed paper. I made mine by following the directions given here:

Right now it is setting out to dry, and once it is done, I plan on cutting little hearts out of it and writing "Happy Spring!" and some positive affirmations, and placing around campus to hopefully brighten up some people's day.

The reason I won't be around much on Ostara is because I am going to visit my grandparents. The Unitarian Universalist church in my area is doing an Ostara ritual at 7, so hopefully I will be back for that, and talk about that a little here on Friday's post.

In addition to that, I also want to make Honey Fry Bread, which is a recipe I found on Tumblr,and I will share that with you once I make it/ if it turns out okay.

I am also thinking about setting up a get- together to celebrate the Equinox once I get back to college, but I have no idea what to do, and I am a little nervous about preparing an actual ritual.

If you have any ideas on what I should do, please let me know! Thanks for reading!

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