Friday, March 13, 2015

Ostara Altar

Ostara is next Friday, but since I am going home for Spring Break during that time, I wanted to show you my Ostara set up today.

Ostara for me is the celebration of the Spring Equinox, Winter has ended and the earth is warming up again. So my altar is very Spring-y to reflect that.

Along the back I have my element jars: feathers for air, chili powder/ash for fire, a terrarium for earth, and water for water. I have them separated based on my duotheism, with air/fire for God and earth/water for the Goddess. Between the two of them is my Tibetan singing bowl.

In front of that I have my God/Goddess candles to represent them and spirit.

I have a yellow offering bowl between the candles, and center on the altar.

On the left, I have a little yellow bird to represent the birds returning and starting new life, and my ceramic Wheel of the Year.

Next to that and in the center, I have a bunch of faux daisies and butterflies again to show the life beginning to grow. In front of the daisies, I put out some crystals. I chose to put out clear quartz, fluorite, rose quartz, jade, malachite, Botswana agate, and citrine.

And finally, I have my prayer beads set out on the right of the altar.

This is probably one of my favorite altar set ups that I've done so far. I have some fun ideas planned to celebrate, and I will share that with you after Ostara! For college kids going on Spring break, I hope you have fun and be safe!

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