Friday, January 30, 2015

Imbolc Altar

Imbolc is on Monday, so for today, I will be showing you my Imbolc altar! Imbolc is the halfway point between Winter and Spring, and it is the celebration of lambs returning. Signs of nature are slowly popping back up, and the days are beginning to grow noticeably longer.

The main part of my altar is the bowl of dirt and salt in the back. I use this to represent the earth and the snow on the ground, and I put three candles in it to signify the warmth returning to the Earth,

Next to that is the Tibetan singing bowl that my boyfriend got me for Yule. I use it for meditative purposes, as well as to clear out negative energy. I used to use incense to cleanse my room, but I moved my birds in, and incense would mess with their respiratory systems.

Then I have my four element jars, feathers for air, chili powder/ashes for fire, a terrarium my sister made me for earth, and water for water.

Between the jars are my God and Goddess candles. I use tealights, and have a red holder for God, and a yellow/clear/amberish holder for the Goddess.

Candles Lit

In front of those is my offering bowl. My Mom had little dipping bowls that she gave to me. I am using them for offerings, and they are absolutely perfect.

On the left is a snowflake that my boyfriend painted for me, which is there to signify the snow that is on the ground, but will be melting soon.

On the right are two rocks I found at two of my favorite places, Swallow Falls State Park in western Maryland, and Camel's Hump State Park in Vermont.

In the very front are my crystals. For Imbolc, I am using clear quartz, Botswana agate, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, and red jasper.

My altar cloth is light pink with brownish green spots, which represent new growth.

I am very excited for Imbolc, because it means Spring is coming, which is my favorite season! I'm also using it to make some early Valentine's Day gifts for my three best girl friends.

What's on your altar? Are you doing anything special for Imbolc?

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