Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First Pendulum and Dedication

So myself and my friends have recently begun communicating with spirits via pendulum work. I used a Ouija board a lot as a kid, and talked to one spirit in particular: Reg. I had a feeling that he was still around, and sure enough, he is. I wanted to get a pendulum that I would use exclusively for speaking with him, and this is it:

It is made of Carnelian, and I got it from the same place I get all of my crystals from. I had it for about six hours, and then it fell on my floor and the tip snapped off. Reg said he liked it better broken though, and the brokenness has kind of grown on me.

After I got it, I did a little cleansing/ dedication ritual for it, and I thought I would share here since I couldn't seem to find any on Google.

Incense Burner
Bell (optional)

I started by going out into the woods with my pendulum. I sat and lit the incense and offered it to the God and Goddess, as well as to Reg.

Then I rang the bell (my Tibetan singing bowl) and said:

I call all spirits who wish to help
I banish those who wish me and mine any harm

I said that three times, and then set the bowl down by the incense.

I passed the pendulum through the incense smoke, and focused on cleansing it of any negativity.

I held the pendulum in my hands and said:

I dedicate this pendulum to myself and my spirit guide, Reg.
It will help me communicate and understand Reg better.
It shall be used as a tool for the good, and shall not be used by anything that wishes harm on me.

If you do not have a spirit guide to dedicate it to, you can use your deity, or just dedicate it to yourself.

After that, I kissed it, and set it in the sun to charge (make sure your pendulum will not fade in sunlight. If it does, you can use moonlight instead, or a charging method of your choosing). I hung mine in a tree to catch the sun:

It was a lot sunnier when I actually did the ritual

When I felt like it had charged enough, I took it down, and said thanks. I love my pendulum so far, and have been carrying it around with me so I can ask little questions when I need to.

I plan on getting another pendulum for my birthday (this Friday!) and I will more than likely do a witchy haul post. I am also hosting a New Moon Gathering for some friends and myself, so that's another post to look forward to.

I hope this post helps anyone looking to dedicate their tools!

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