Monday, May 4, 2015

Happy (Belated) Beltane!

Since I have been running out of things to post and graduation is impending, I will be cutting down to posting once a week. I will hopefully return to me twice a week schedule once I get settled into the 'real world.'

Beltane was Friday, and it was probably my favorite Sabbat so far. It was also the first Sabbat I celebrated last year, so in a way, it was my 'Pagan birthday'.

For me, Beltane is the beginnings of Summer and so my altar reflected that.

Beltane is a time of flowers, and so I have a purple floral altar cloth, and I kept my Ostara flowers on there as well. I have my standard altar items towards the back. My elemental jars (feathers, chili powder/ashes, terrarium, and water), my Tibetan singing bowl, a red offering bowl, and my God/Dess candles in the center.

In addition to the basics, I added two candles as the 'fires of Beltane' since it is a fire festival. To the right, I have my prayer beads, some stones I found at my favorite places, and I also added a penny to represent my spirit guide. I put a small fairy pendant there to represent nature spirits, another common theme of Beltane. On the right is my ceramic Wheel of the Year, and a photo of my boyfriend and me.

Around the offering bowl, I put crystals that I felt were appropriate. These are fluorite, tiger's iron, red jasper, citrine, clear quartz, mookaite, rose quartz, malachite, and jade.

For Beltane, some friends and I went for a walk in New Germany State Park, and just explored the trails.

Then, I had friends over for a potluck dinner and Tarot readings.

We had so much food, and all of it was delicious. I am so grateful to everyone who celebrated with me.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you had a good Beltane as well!

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